Master - Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge

Beyond the White

A prototype for an interactive museal application on the reconstruction of lost polychromy in classical statues and sculptures. The application is meant for engaging with the audience, enhancing their sense of care towards ancient Cultural Heritage and giving a glimpse of what the past used to actually look like, of what we have lost.

Professor(s): F. Tomasi
Issue date: may 2023

#cultural heritage #vr #interaction media design
Through the Gaze

A data visualization project researching the impact of the "male gaze" on Western cinematic industry by analysing the 10 highest-grossing U.S.A. films for each decade from 1940s to 2010s. The data for this project has been extracted through three different methods: webscraping, script analysis (NLP), and SPARQL queries. Finally, the results are shared through a variety of visualizations.

Professor(s): M. Daquino
Issue date: april 2023

#information visualization #nlp #webscraping #sparql
Blessed Be the Fruit

Open data project regarding the analysis of factors that might influence pregnancy rates in young women in Italy, specifically religious observance in the general population and the education level in young women. The research encompasses in-depth analyses regarding quality, legalty, ethics, and technicalities of the open data employed, and different visualizations support the communication of the results.

Professor(s): M. Palmirani
Issue date: February 2023

#lod #information visualization #open data
Computing Melville

Small-scale annotation campaign carried out using Transkribus. The aim of the project is to develop a Machine Learning model able to perform an automated transcription task (HTR) on a collection of Herman Melville's handwritten manuscripts: his last novella, "Billy Budd", left unfinished in 1891, and "Rip Van Winkle's Lilac", an experimental combination of prose and poetry.

Professor(s): G. Colavizza
Issue date: November 2022

#h/ocr #ai #machine learning

Knowledge representation and extraction project on the theoretical reflection beneath the Bauhaus. Specifically, it compares "Theory and Organization of the Bauhaus" by Gropius with the "Arbeitsrat fuer Kunst' in Berlin" manifesto by Taut, representing both as ontologies and developing a third ontology as alignment, to be analysed through SPARQL queries.

Professor(s): A. Gangemi, A.G. Nuzzolese
Issue date: August 2022

#ontology #knowledge management #knowledge representation #sparql
Changing Lenses

Multi-level textual analysis of the novel "Gli occhiali d'oro" by Giorgio Bassani. The main goal of the project is the analysis of the margin from a narrative, geo-spatial and relational perspective, using specific tools and softwares: a Semantic Digital Edition (LOD-enhanced TEI model), Leaflet and Gephi.

Professor(s): T. Mancinelli
Issue date: July 2022

#lod #semantic digital edition #spatial analysis #network analysis
Dead Lovers Society

A metadata-enriched and stylistically customizable magazine on tragic love stories centered on many heroines of the past, from Medea to Guinevere. The implied readers of this magazine are diversified, as its issues can be read with different purposes: from the most naive passion for reading to an interest in interlinguistic comparison.

Professor(s): F. Vitali
Issue date: July 2022

#ux design #css #html #javascript

Single-user VR on-site application within Palazzo Poggi Museum's permanent exhibition "Chamber of Geography and Nautics", based on the idea of travelling on the ancient maps displayed in the museum and witnessing the results of climate change in different locations across the world.

Professor(s): S. Pescarin
Design brief
Issue date: May 2022

#vr #cultural heritage #museology #interaction media design
ALOD Turing

Linked Open Data project shedding light on Alan Turing's work and legacy through various concepts, items, people, places, and events connected to the brilliant mathematician, who has been celebrated and remembered mainly in the last few decades after a long period of silence.

Professor(s): F. Tomasi
Issue date: April 2022

#ontology #lod #knowledge management